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In 2016, the first Zambia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZAMPHIA) was completed, revealing that the nation had succeeded in reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS.

To further assess the progress made against the epdemic, the Zambia Ministry of Health is leading a second ZAMPHIA HIV survey. This 18-month PEPFAR-funded assessment, started in May 2019, is being conducted in partnership with Ciheb and will draw on lessons learned from Ciheb’s successful Nigeria population-based HIV impact assessment.

ZAMPHIA is surveying the prevalence and incidence of HIV, assessing the coverage and impact of HIV services, and characterizing HIV-related risk behaviors using a nationally representative sample of adults aged 15 years and older. It will combine a novel linkage-to-care approach to ensure that HIV-positive individuals identified through the survey are efficiently linked to care and treatment and assess progress towards achievement of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets on national and subnational levels. 

The data will be used to focus HIV services and resources to the areas of greatest need and help move Zambia closer to HIV epidemic control.

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